Thursday, April 24, 2008

follow up from MRI

Well, I went to see the neurologist today for a follow up to my MRI..  Looks like everything is normal.  There are no signs of MS - mostly what he wanted to rule out - and no signs of a tumor.  So that is good news.  I asked him what is wrong with me then - he said I was crazy...  I like this guy - he has my sense of humor.  Anyway, but it can be stress related, but he wants to see what the blood work results were that I had and he may order some other kinds.  I don't know what is really going on but two of the big fears were crossed off the list.

Now off to take Jake for haircut and then to tutoring.  One more sleep and I am on my own for the weekend!

Til next time.


Paris said...

That is such a relief. Whew. That dang stress is NOT a good thing. You need to take it easy, my friend. Enjoy your weekend. xoxo P

Team Immel said...

i love good news!
i'm crossing my fingers that the blood tests come back normal too.