Wednesday, December 3, 2008

juror #7

That was my number. I reported for jury duty today with 359 other people. They had ten trials today and when the first case came up, I was first called. Oh man.... The bad dreams of being sequestered in Hillsboro was starting to come true. We went into the courtroom. There was lots of questioning and lots of legal talk... Was interesting. But in the end, I was not chosen to be part of the jury of six. Was kind of relieved but at the same time was disappointed that I spent most of my day there for nothing.. Anyway, my obligation was fulfilled and I am free from jury duty now for two years.

Back to my world again.
And I am calling it a day.
Til next time.


ali said...

I actually have dreams of being on the jury for a big trial! Is that sick and wrong? ;)

Team Immel said...

i loved going to trial! it was an escape! good to get it out of the way though huh? xoxox