We had a nice quiet day on the 4th. Tom and Jake went to hike the Nature Park and then they spent most of the afternoon at the shooting range. Lucas and I did a couple errands. We have been collecting our cans and plastic bottles for the recycle refund. Well, this is all and all a good idea.... Until - you go to Freddies and they only take the brands that they sell. So Lucas went in the store and came out with 25 cents... So we go to Safeway then because the remaining bottles we have are their brand. Well, after a few bottles, the machine is full. So Lucas then comes out of the store with 35 cents! Wow - this is really becoming so not worth the effort.
So we ended up at the grocery store and got some things for bbq-ing burgers. We swung by another Safeway on the way home and finished off recycling our bottles. At the end of it all, Lucas had a whoppin' $1.70! It only probably cost me $10 in gas to go to the three places. He may just have to find another way to raise funds... He is saving for a guitar. Pretty proud of him so far though. He is not my saver. Jake - he can save money. Lucas - not so much. But he is up to over $13 now so he is off to a good start.
We got home and while I unloaded the truck, Lucas laid down. The couple errands wore him out. He is starting to feel a little better but sure gets wiped out.... He was out on the couch through dinner and through a movie. We woke him up for fireworks though...
But while Lucas napped, Jake and I ran to get some fireworks. Hit the buy one get one free stand. Got a good selection. Sure do miss the good fireworks from Washington. Oregon fireworks are basically fountains.... So we got $40 worth of fountains...
We had a nice bbq for dinner and I made a cake. I found a recipe on Mary Ruth's blog called Three Leches Cake. I changed it just a little bit and came up with this.... Didn't realize how crooked my stripes were until I posted this picture.... I made a white cake mix. Then after it was done baking, I poked holes in the cake and poured a mixture of 1 cup milk, 1 cup condensed milk and 1 cup evaporated milk. The warm cake soaks up the milk mixture for an extremely moist cake. As the cake cooled, I sliced strawberries in half and washed up some blueberries. When the cake was cool, I covered it with cool whip and added the strawberries and blueberries. Then I put the cake in the fridge for a couple hours. It was very good. So easy to make and loved the fresh fruit. Just seemed like the perfect dessert for Independence Day.
But it was a good day.
Saturday, was a day of running around. A guy wanted to meet Tom in Vancouver and buy his motorcycle. Well apparently neither of them actually checked that this DMV place where we were meeting was actually open... Got there - closed for the holiday weekend. So then it was on the phone with information and everyone I knew with internet access to try to find the next DMV that could possibly be open. Finally found one and it was on the other side of Vancouver, actually down the street from where we used to live. So off we went. Got there shortly before they were scheduled to close - to find out that since Tom couldn't find the title, this transfer needed to take place in Oregon. So back again to information. They could only give me a phone number for a DMV that doesn't have personnel that answers the phone on saturday and their automated service didn't list the hours! After an hour of frustration - we decided to just try on Monday. But don't think Oregon DMV's are actually open on Mondays... Anyway, we drive home, I happen to swing by the Renewal place just down the street from our house to see that they were open til 5pm!!!!!!!!!!!! So call Tom and he was home already and checking online for what he needed to do...
After awhile, we were sitting on the couch talking about the lost title. All the different places that it could be. Tom said that he did something "clever" with it and then could longer find it. So I started asking of the different places.... Finally I got to - Is it in your stacking boxes where you put your mail? He goes to look and there it was..
Jake and I decided to go to a movie. We went to see Wall-E. Cute movie.
Tom emailed the guy that he found the title and the deal was finalized about 8pm. The guy came from Woodland and bought the motorcycle.
We ordered pizza for dinner from Hungry Howie's - close to the house, thought we would give them a try. Oh my gosh - the worst I had ever had. Not ordering from there again. Then they messed up the order so called them back and they sent another one. Still wasn't any good...
Today we went to the Nature Park and walked. Tom and Jake went on their route and Lucas and I took ours. He identified his 10 items of nature for a requirement for scouts and we just had a nice walk. Guess I will have my first thing to sign off on in his scout book! After we got home, Lucas assumed his place on the couch and took a 3 hour nap. He is feeling good to be out and about, but it takes its toll. Now he and Jake are out on their bikes.
I have a project I am working on for work but it is just a mellow day at home. Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Til next time...
Sounds like you had a great 4th! Your cake looks great!
my what a busy body you are! sounds like a nice relaxing 4th. Love your cake. It sounds awesome! So glad Lucas is feeling better. Nice to sell the bike, eh? But wow, alot of running around! Glad you got to go see Wall*e. We loved it. Nice message.
I've been all over town the past two days, trying to find a storage unit like the ones in my living room already. I was over at Craft Warehouse by your house twice too. I'm not having much luck.
Hope you have a great week.
You have been a busy girl and a busy family! Look at you making that cool cake! Awesome! It looks so yummy. I've been eating so many berries and cherries that my tummy is hating me ;) Worth it though! Hope Lucas is all the way better soon. p
Who are you kidding! Howie's is AWESOME!!!! Do you want the crap of Little Ceaser's or the over priced stuff at Round Table? This has been our new pizza place for the past year and we love it. Call and talk to the owners. They are the nicest people in the world and they will keep you coming back for more. They sure do for us!!!
Could you please look in Tom's stacking boxes for my Bluetooth? I owned it and never used it, decided it was stupid to leave a $100 Bluetooth in the center console to be stolen, so I put it in the house for "safe keeping". Hmmm, as of July 1, we have a handsfree only cell phone law. Do you think I can find that damn Bluetooth? NOPE! Maybe it is with Tom's title? lol
Good to read your update. I am glad that Lucas is feeling better. Hope you are managing to take a little time for you somewhere in the midst of the testosterone!
Hugs and luv,
man! that cake looks amazing!
i sure wish we lived closer! we would have so much fun!
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