Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pass the BBQ sauce...

Hello from Kansas City! I made it here. Flight was pretty uneventful. Sat next to a nice older couple on the plane that were in Portland visiting family. When she asked why I was coming to KC, she told me that she loves to scrapbook. So we talked about that for awhile and before I knew it, she was asking about page ideas for her photos... Seems like I am always helping people with their projects....

We went from the airport to do a little shopping for supplies in the booth. Then we came to the hotel for awhile. Very nice room - 5 star compared to what we have stayed in in the past... :) Just got raz the girls there... Vicki says not to get used to it though... We went to Hobby Lobby to find the Boxer calendars but couldn't find them. Maybe the big order we sent out hasn't hit the stores yet. But oh boy we found some cute things and I ended up buying a little Santa fireman ornament. Too cute! I had to get you one too, June!!!! Good thing I just packed a small suitcase otherwise I may of bought more. Angie is too easy with the UPS account though - hmmmm. Will we be driving by there again?

We had a fabulous dinner at Abeullos (sp?) I had a fajita chimichanga - oh so good.... Martha Dukes - you probably could figure out how to make these...

So it is getting to be the end of a long day and think Angie is wanting me to help with some samples. Have a good night and will check in with you tomorrow evening!



My name is Shanna said...

Good lord, have I taught you nothing?? You never tell ppl what you REALLY do for a living! Especially when you are at an airport on or a flight. Heck, that is the perfect time to lie! You can be ANYBODY and they are never going to see you again!!!

Think of the fun you could have if you had told those old folks that you invented Velcro, or you that you managed a lingerie boutique. They wouldn't have wanted to ask you anything else!

Glad you arrived safe and sound. Too bad your MAX ride wasn't bladder-filled, but there is always the ride home! lol

xoxo, Shanna

Paris said...

LOL at Shanna. Funny girl. So jelly of that KC BBQ... yummo!! Have a great time and thanks for the text :)

Team Immel said...

lol at shanna too. cracking up actually! the bladder control max ride really got me! lol so true what she says though! you shouldn't have taken the max tho, next time CALL ME!!!!
